Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Summer Morning Routine and Sun Protection Tips

I'm freaking out. I was speaking with my mom about how bad my skin was looking after getting a little too much sun the other day and my mom started telling me about how one of my best friend's mom had melanoma at one point. This wasn't something I had never heard before but it definitely felt like a punch in the gut.
Living in southern California, it's basically impossible to not get any sun and I'm not planning to give up playing in the sun anytime soon. However, I have vowed to start taking care of my skin. Since that day I have developed a new routine to protect my skin.

This was a pic from the first day of summer 2015 where I spent a couple hours at the beach of course getting sun burnt:/

Every morning when I wake up I drink a large glass of water or iced green tea to keep my skin and the rest of my body hydrated. Then, I brush my teeth and wash my face. If you're new to my blog, I use the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser or The Body Shop Skin Clearing Facial Wash with a facial cleaning brush. Then, I use the Neutrogena oil free SPF 30 under my moisturizer to protext me from the sun. After that, I apply my face, pick an outfit, and grab a bite to eat of something dairy free (new blog post about that soon) and I'm ready to go about my day.

5 Tips to Protect You From the Sun
  1. Apply sunscreen with at least spf every two hours and make sure to let it soak in to your skin before swimming.
  2. Wear hats to protect your face and maybe shoulders and neck as well and wear sunglasses with UV protection to protect your eyes.
  3. Wear light cover ups to add an extra layer between the sun and your skin.
  4. Accept your skin tone and don't try to change it with the sun. The healthy glow you try to aim won't seem as healthy anymore when you suffer from permanent or serious damage.
  5. Try to stay out of the sun during the sunniest hours of the day. 
I hope these tips helped you and inspired you to start wearing more sunscreen and taking extra steps to protect your skin. Follow me on instagram @eliselemans and on twitter @lemanadee and comment down below it would mean a lot.

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